It’s 7 p.m. on a Friday night. A normally hyperactive eight-year old is sacked out on the couch, stained Popsicle stick still in hand. The fever started an hour ago, but her pediatrician is out of town. Dad’s online trying to find a doctor that’s available to see her first thing tomorrow morning, but he…
Human-centered Design
One day, while watching his wife struggle to grip ordinary kitchen tools because of her arthritis, Sam Farber saw an opportunity to create better cooking tools that would benefit all users. After extensive research, prototyping and model testing, Farber launched OXO, a brand built on the principles of inclusive design. Today, the company offers more…
Recently, Red Privet was interviewed by Forrester Research, Inc. analyst, Allegra Burnette, in her July 2015 report, “Design Methods in the Age of the Customer.” Red Privet was cited twice in the report for customer experience (CX) professionals who “want to grow and transform their businesses by fostering empathy for their customers, quickly [adapt] to…
What does flinging perturbed birds at egg-stealing pigs have to do with improving your customer experience? For one of our clients, thinking about Angry Birds gave them a strategic insight into motivating their end users. Recently, we hosted a workshop on the Psychology of Design for a Red Privet client that offers a web-based corporate…
Recently, Red Privet was interviewed by Forrester Research, Inc. analyst, Allegra Burnette, about the changing nature of the field of design. We were honored to be quoted in her April 2015 report for customer experience professionals entitled, “Brief: Staffing for Data-Driven Design.” In the brief, Burnette, discusses how customer experience professionals should approach staffing for…